Denim Jeans was a limited collection by Pupa in winter 2015 but I was still able to find these polishes in different stores, plus they were even discounted.
La boccetta è quella classica degli smalti Pupa ed il pennello è piatto ed arrotondato che io personalmente non trovo molto comodo.
Ho il 001 Grigio scuro, 002 Blu scuro e 003 Blu e mi piacciono tutti i tre.
The bottle is a classic Pupa one and the brush is big, flat and rounded and I am not crazy about it as it is not easy to get very close to the cuticles.
I have 001 Dark grey, 002 Dark blue and 003 Blue and I just love all three of them!
The bottle is a classic Pupa one and the brush is big, flat and rounded and I am not crazy about it as it is not easy to get very close to the cuticles.
I have 001 Dark grey, 002 Dark blue and 003 Blue and I just love all three of them!
Il finish ha un effetto un po' ruvido che sembra davvero il tessuto dei jeans, i granelli non sono così grossi come negli smalti con l'effetto zuccherato o sabbia, in più ci sono anche particelle di microglitter che regalano più luce e vivacità al colore. Sono coprenti già con la prima passata ma io ne faccio sempre due per abitudine.
The finish of these nail polishes has a sandy texture that really seems jeans cloth, and the grains are quite fine and delicate, they also have tiny sparky microglitter inside that makes the color brighter and gives more light. They are one-coaters but I always make two for a deeper color and because I am used to make two:)
Come base con gli smalti di questo genere io uso una peel-off che si toglie insieme allo smalto senza solvente con aiuto del bastoncino di legno, mi dura 3 giorni circa. Con la base normale riuscivo a tenerlo per 5-6 giorni e se si sbeccava da un'unghia potevo correggerlo facilmente e grazie al finish satinato e la manicure risultava come nuova.The finish of these nail polishes has a sandy texture that really seems jeans cloth, and the grains are quite fine and delicate, they also have tiny sparky microglitter inside that makes the color brighter and gives more light. They are one-coaters but I always make two for a deeper color and because I am used to make two:)
As a base I usually use a peel-off base as they are a bit hard to take off (not as hard as glitter though) and they last for 3 days. With a normal base I was able to wear them for 5-6 days and if they chipped it was very easy to make a correction thanks to that special texture and the manicure had a new and fresh look always.
Hanno un look molto rock'n'roll, giovane e particolare e sono felicissima di averli presi a buon prezzo!
To me they look very special, can be a bit rebel or elegant depending on how you wear them and the nail art you make. I am so happy I got them on sale!:)
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